“Waste” means useless? “Waste” means valueless?Nowadays, many consumers like to judge by appearance and disregard the value behind the product when making their purchase decision, especially for environmental-friendly product. From their point of view, upcycling product is only “imperfect” and "valueless" merchandise made by “waste”."F My Life” campaign dives into the topic of “waste”, aims at removing the negative label attached to “waste” through the “F-stories” of different young adults. Audience are encouraged to redefine and discover the value of “waste” from another angle, just like FREITAG believes the story behind each upcycled material make their products become one of a kind.
The law is suppose closely related to people's daily lives. But peoples feels serious and difficult to know. In the word of the square, the law is very "off the ground", which means that it does not know that people are suffering. The purpose of this work is to bring the law to the ground with various creative methods in order to draw the public's attention to the law, expecting to achieve 3 main goals, firstly, I would like to strengthen the relationship between the public and the law. secondly, hoping the public could think about legal issues. thirdly, to cultivate the habit of the public voice.
The law is suppose closely related to people's daily lives. But peoples feels serious and difficult to know. In the word of the square, the law is very "off the ground", which means that it does not know that people are suffering. The purpose of this work is to bring the law to the ground with various creative methods in order to draw the public's attention to the law, expecting to achieve 3 main goals, firstly, I would like to strengthen the relationship between the public and the law. secondly, hoping the public could think about legal issues. thirdly, to cultivate the habit of the public voice.
As we know procrastination is a habit and most people think it’s a bad habit. Some of them may think this habit would disturb their life schedule seriously. But it is a habit that difficult to avoid or quit as the procrastination is an innate habit of a human being. Therefore, I would like to through an advertising campaign to encourage the target audience through the historical artists to face the procrastination with an optimistic attitude as it is an innate habit which cannot quit completely and tell the audience by using a message.
These days, it is common to see women at the public toilet or transport are secretly filmed or even be sexually harassed or tracked, but most of the girls choose not to report and remain silence. It is a common phenomenon which is not just happens to one girl. When they give up their right to speak out, they are perceiving themselves an physical object, like an orange, a chair, and a computer. That call self-objectification. This study aims at designing a set of advertisement campaigns, targeting 16-30 years old women who concern about sexual harassment issues. By creating resonance with Dove, courageous woman are empower to speak out and not to perceive themselves as an physical object without the right to voice out when suffering from sexual harassment.
The phenomenon of homelessness has always been existing for years in Hong Kong, the general public tends to blame on them, e.g. homeless people are lazy, not being hardworking, so they would stay on the street. However, these accusations simplify the reasons. The macroeconomic situation usually the culprit that forces underprivileged people to move to street living. The philosophy of this project is hoped to get primary and secondary schools to hire homeless people as a janitor by building their positive image, which could give them a job and a place to live, also a second chance to live their second life.
Background: In Hong Kong, no matter what the society or the older generation, they believe that the youngsters, the post 90s, who are not hardworking, and cannot overcome hardships.Insight: In fact, new definition of youngster’ hardship is created, as they are suffering in mental, stressful and intangible hardship, no longer in physical and labour. Their hardship experiences are unique and personal, it can only be understandable by the young generation.Strategy: GET: The youngsters, the post 90s, who was suffering from hardshipTO: Understanding that Heroes Beer co will overcome the suffering together with themBy: Telling them those who understand you will understand.Creative idea: The creative idea is based on the suffering that experienced by the post-90s generation. Presenting a statement “The hardship that the post 90s suffered, give strength to become a hero to overcome numerous of difficult situations.” With a tagline: We don’t see these as suffering(我地唔覺得呢啲叫捱)