Co-op Projects
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F My Life
Project Abstract
Down law to earth

The law is suppose closely related to people's daily lives. But peoples feels serious and difficult to know. In the word of the square, the law is very "off the ground", which means that it does not know that people are suffering. The purpose of this work is to bring the law to the ground with various creative methods in order to draw the public's attention to the law, expecting to achieve 3 main goals, firstly, I would like to strengthen the relationship between the public and the law. secondly, hoping the public could think about legal issues. thirdly, to cultivate the habit of the public voice.

Chan Hoi Yan Avis
Student LinkedIn
Incubate Your Masterpiece
Project Abstract
#We are not an object
Project Abstract
Lai Chun Hei Alex
The Welcome Home Project
Project Abstract
Lau Ying Tung Deanna
Student LinkedIn
Hardship From the 90s
Project Abstract

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