Most of communities in Hong Kong are lack of strong connection between District Councillors, residents, and the community. Our research and observations show that young people nowadays actually do care about their community and are willing to contribute if there is a comfortable way. Hence, we hope to provide a gamified mobile platform that can enable residents, district councilors, and the community to build a stronger connection.‘Cobuild’ provides an interesting way for residents to express their opinions and participate in contributing comfortably and effortlessly. They can begin to rebuild their own unique community with the help of the district councilor by using this application.
RoleRoad offers global travellers with local experience packages through a persona roleplay app with interactive technology. Hong Kong tourism has used ‘Shopping paradise’ as a promotion strategy for many years. Because of the popularity of online purchasing, shopping in Hong Kong is losing its advantages. There is an urgent need for creative change. RoleRoad believes that storytelling through a local persona in a first-person perspective is the best way to immerse yourself in a comprehensive and entertaining experience. After arriving in Hong Kong and downloading our app, travellers can choose stories of Hong Kongers. They will become the main character of the story, walkthrough local locations, shops, restaurants, and experience local life from a local perspective. Through RoleRoad, we hope to create new and fun Hong Kong travelling experience to global travellers, promote local brands and facilitate the recovery of Hong Kong tourism.
RoleRoad offers global travellers with local experience packages through a persona roleplay app with interactive technology. Hong Kong tourism has used ‘Shopping paradise’ as a promotion strategy for many years. Because of the popularity of online purchasing, shopping in Hong Kong is losing its advantages. There is an urgent need for creative change. RoleRoad believes that storytelling through a local persona in a first-person perspective is the best way to immerse yourself in a comprehensive and entertaining experience. After arriving in Hong Kong and downloading our app, travellers can choose stories of Hong Kongers. They will become the main character of the story, walkthrough local locations, shops, restaurants, and experience local life from a local perspective. Through RoleRoad, we hope to create new and fun Hong Kong travelling experience to global travellers, promote local brands and facilitate the recovery of Hong Kong tourism.
RoleRoad offers global travellers with local experience packages through a persona roleplay app with interactive technology. Hong Kong tourism has used ‘Shopping paradise’ as a promotion strategy for many years. Because of the popularity of online purchasing, shopping in Hong Kong is losing its advantages. There is an urgent need for creative change. RoleRoad believes that storytelling through a local persona in a first-person perspective is the best way to immerse yourself in a comprehensive and entertaining experience. After arriving in Hong Kong and downloading our app, travellers can choose stories of Hong Kongers. They will become the main character of the story, walkthrough local locations, shops, restaurants, and experience local life from a local perspective. Through RoleRoad, we hope to create new and fun Hong Kong travelling experience to global travellers, promote local brands and facilitate the recovery of Hong Kong tourism.
Hong Kong intergenerational relationships are getting worse in recent years. Many young people & parents feel helpless when they are in conflict. They will choose to evade each other. However, this behaviour estranges their relationship even more.Shall We Talk is a training game which helps young people & parents to learn the skills of managing daily conflicts. While playing the game, it will enhance their interactions and communication with each other. It can help them to understand each other’s thoughts & feelings, so to build a stronger relationship.Unlike other existing design solutions, we believe that conflict can make your relationship stronger. It's because conflict doesn’t make the relationship bad; how people manage the conflict does. Our design solution focuses on helping people to prepare for the conflict instead of helping them to avoid it.
Our project includes a mobile application and an interactive device. The mobile application measures the social media addiction level of users, and then provide a relative social media usage quota based on the addiction level. For the quota, we call it "INK". The smart devices are used to shift users' attention from their mobile phones to other activities that they are interested in. The goal of our project is to help them accustomed to staying away from using smartphones.Why do we use “INK” to be our design metaphor?Because we think that the behaviour of scrolling smartphones is like printing. The content on social media is generated like paper printed out from a printer. Daily social media usage quota will be provided to users according to users’ conditions as ‘ink”. The contents on social media are like to be printed out by printers. So when the ink has run out, the content is hardly visible, like printed with a low ink printer.
In Hong Kong, people send 110,000 tonnes of textiles to landfills every year, meaning that on average we throw out around 1,400 t-shirts every minute. Minimalism is the new trend around the world which encourages people learn different decluttering series on clothing. Our vision is to improve the consumption habits of the teenager 18-26.The goal is to build a slow fashion community that cultivates their members to be more mindful of what fits them the best.